Mind and Computation1.0 Rules What does it mean to tell someone exactly what to do? Sixty years ago no one…
Let S be any system, as above. Let it and ot denote the input to and output of S…
As above, let us consider dynamical systems on spaces SxE, where S is the state space of asystem and…
Intuitively, a system is unpredictable if a lot of information about its past state tends to yield only a little…
Having just reviewed certain aspects of the psychological perspective on intelligence, it isworth observing how different the engineering perspective…
In conclusion, let us now return to the question of intelligence. Assuming that the world isunpredictable and yet possesses…
The strengthened Peirce's principle is only a beginning. It is a basic philosophical assumptionwhich ensures the possibility of intelligence through…
The American philosopher Charles S. Peirce founded a vast philosophical system on theprinciple of "the tendency to take habits."…
After reading a certain amount of philosophy, it is easy to become confused as to exactly whatthe problem of…
Kişilik bozukluklarının bir çok farklı görünümü olmasına karşın kişilik bozukluklarının gençlerde görünümü erişkinlerdekine benzerdir.Genelde kişilik bozukluğu tanısı belli bir yaştan…