1) Temel eğitim ve ortaöğretimde kazanmaları gerekli bilgi ve becerilerdeki eksiklikler, yetersizlikler,2) Sınava sistemli ve planlı hazırlık yapılmayışı,3) Sınav türüne…
Üniversiteye Giriş sınavları milyonlarca gencin ve ailenin gündeminde ilk sıraya oturmuş durumda. Sınava girecek her öğrenci ve ailenin de bu…
A theory of mind and a theory of brain are two very different things. I have sketched anabstract Platonic…
The ideas of the previous chapters fit together into a coherent, symbiotic unit: the masternetwork. The master network is neither…
One often hears comments to the effect that "even if a computer could somehow think, it couldnever feel." And…
The measurement paradox is not the only philosophically troublesome aspects of quantumphysics. Bell's Theorem (1987), with its implication of…
For sixty years physicists have struggled with the paradox of quantum measurement.However, despite a number of theoretical advances, rather…
In Chapter 6 we used Edelman's theory of Neural Darwinism to explore the nature of neuralanalogy. However, we did…
I propose a motor control hierarchy which is closely analogous to the perceptual hierarchy, butworks in the opposite direction.…
Consider an algorithm y=A(f,x) which takes in a guess x at the solution to a certain problem fand outputs…