Chapter 10: Motor Learning

10.3 A Neural-Darwinist Perceptual-Motor Hierarchy

    In Chapter 6 we used Edelman's theory of Neural Darwinism to explore the nature of neuralanalogy. However, we did…

12 ay ago

10.2 The Motor Control Hierarchy

    I propose a motor control hierarchy which is closely analogous to the perceptual hierarchy, butworks in the opposite direction.…

12 ay ago

10.1 Parameter Adaptation

   Consider an algorithm y=A(f,x) which takes in a guess x at the solution to a certain problem fand outputs…

12 ay ago

10.0 Generating Motions

   Twenty years ago, Marr (1969) and Albus (1971) suggested that the circuitry of thecerebellum resembles the learning machine known…

12 ay ago