Aklın Yapısı


Intuitively, a system is unpredictable if a lot of information about its past state tends to yield only a little…

1 yıl ago

Intelligence as Flexible Optimization

  Having just reviewed certain aspects of the psychological perspective on intelligence, it isworth observing how different the engineering perspective…

1 yıl ago

Induction, Probability, and Intelligence

    In conclusion, let us now return to the question of intelligence. Assuming that the world isunpredictable and yet possesses…

1 yıl ago

Toward A General Induction Algorithm

 The strengthened Peirce's principle is only a beginning. It is a basic philosophical assumptionwhich ensures the possibility of intelligence through…

1 yıl ago

The Tendency to Take Habits

   The American philosopher Charles S. Peirce founded a vast philosophical system on theprinciple of "the tendency to take habits."…

1 yıl ago

Justifying Induction

  After reading a certain amount of philosophy, it is easy to become confused as to exactly whatthe problem of…

1 yıl ago