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7.2 Implications of Structurally Associative Memory

   Let us now return to the problem of how a STRAM is to maintain its approximate network-of-emergence structure. One…

12 ay ago

7.1 Quillian Networks

   It is rather difficult to study the structure of human long-term memory, since we cannot lookinto a person's brain…

12 ay ago

7.0 Structurally Associative Memory

   It is clear that analogy cannot work effectively without recourse to an effective method ofstoring patterns. However, I suggest…

12 ay ago

6.4 Structural Analogy in the Brain

    The neurons of the cortex are organized in clusters, each containing 50 to 10,000 neurons. Theneurons of each cluster…

12 ay ago

6.3 Hierarchical Analogy

    We have not yet discussed the possibility that analogies might be justified by analogy.Obviously, analogy as a general mode…

12 ay ago

6.2 Analogy and Induction

   Induction and analogy are obviously closely related. In induction one assumes the future willbe similar to the past, and…

12 ay ago

6.1 A Typology of Analogy

    Analogy is far more powerful than transitive reasoning; nonetheless, according to the presentanalysis it is nothing more than a…

12 ay ago

6.0 The Structure-Mapping Theory of Analogy

   Induction, as we have analyzed it, requires a store of patterns on which to operate. We havenot said how…

12 ay ago

Structural Complexity

   We have discussed several different measures of static complexity, which measure ratherdifferent things. But all these measures have one…

12 ay ago

Meaningful Complexity

   Koppel [8] has recently proposed an alternative to the KCS complexity measure. According toKoppel's measure, the sequences which are…

12 ay ago