Aklın Yapısı

10.0 Generating Motions

   Twenty years ago, Marr (1969) and Albus (1971) suggested that the circuitry of thecerebellum resembles the learning machine known…

12 ay ago

9.3 The Logic of Perception

{Yi}should be, and what the P(X% Kaynak: A New Mathematical Model of Mind belgesi-960

12 ay ago

9.2 The Maximum Entropy Principle

   If the Principle of Indifference tells us what probabilities to assign given no backgroundknowledge, what is the corresponding principle…

12 ay ago

9.1 Probability Theory

   The branch of mathematics known as probability theory provides one way of makinginferences regarding uncertain propositions. But it is…

12 ay ago

9.0 The Perceptual Hierarchy

   In accordance with the philosophy outlined in Chapter 5, I define perception as patternrecognition. Pattern recognition is, of course,…

12 ay ago

8.3 Deduction Cannot Stand Alone

   When deduction is formulated in the abstract, in terms of assumptions and transformation, it isimmediately apparent that deductive reasoning…

12 ay ago

8.2 Paraconsistency

    Contemporary mathematical logic is not the only conceivable deductive system. In fact, Isuggest that any deductive system which relies…

12 ay ago

8.1 The Structure of Deduction

   Let S be any set, and let I={I1, I2, ..., In} be a subset of S, called the set…

12 ay ago

8.0 Deduction and Analogy in Mathematics

   In mathematical logic, deduction is analyzed as a thing in itself, as an entity entirelyindependent from other mental processes.…

12 ay ago

7.3 Image and Process

   In Section 7.2 I explained the structurally associative memory by analogy to Quilliannetworks. But, as hinted there, the Quillian…

12 ay ago