5 Belge Veri Tabani Programlama

Veri Tabanı Programlama

Veri Tabanı Programlama ( Database Programming ) Günümüzde, irili ufaklı her kurumun verileri var. Her programcı, ucundan kıyısından bu verilerle uğraşmak zorunda. Ve bu verileri yönetmenin en kolay yolu, veritabanı. Veritabanı, verilerin kolay yönetilmesi için belli bir kural çerçevesinde düzenlenmesi demektir. Bu nedenle, bilgisayar ortamında olmasa bile, bir telefon fihristi bir veritabanıdır. Ancak biz elbette…

4. About PL/SQL Versions

Each version of the Oracle database comes with its own corresponding version of PL/SQL. As you use more up-to-date versions of PL/SQL, an increasing array of functionality will be available to you. One of our biggest challenges as PL/SQL programmers is simply "keeping up." We need to constantly educate ourselves about the new features in…

2. The origins of PL/SQL

1.2. The Origins of PL/SQL Oracle has a history of leading the software industry in providing declarative, non-procedural approaches to designing both databases and applications. The Oracle Server technology is among the most advanced, powerful, and stable relational databases in the world. Its application development tools, such as Oracle Forms, offer high levels of productivity…

1. What is PL/SQL ?

Oracle’s PL/SQL language has several defining characteristics: It is a highly structured, readable, and accessible language If you are new to programming, PL/SQL is a great place to start. You will find that it is an easy language to learn and is rich with keywords and structure that clearly express the intent of your code.…