Categories: Gramer

Basic Grammar-Conjunctions

A conjunction is a linking word such as and, or, but.
Conjunctions are used to connect words or sentences.

a cat and its kittens
a builder and his tools
a doctor and a nurse
slow but steady
sweet or sour?
a male or a female?
A horse, a zebra or a donkey?
Paul has a dog, a parrot and a cat.

The words before, after, as, when, while, until, since,are also conjunctions. They tell when something
happens, so they are called conjunctions of time.

Look both ways before you cross the street.
Joe listened to music while he was doing his homework.
Miss Lee was smiling as she walked into the class.
Wait here until I come back.
Don’t leave until you’ve finished your work.
Tran saw an accident while he was walking home.
Take all your belongings with you when you leave the plane.
Joe first met his wife when he was studying in London.
Tom and Joe have been friends since childhood.

Kaynak: Basic English Grammar Book


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