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3.6 Quiz Cevaplari

1What is the default setting for the mode LED on a switch? *** STAT FDUP UTIL 100 PORT    2An old workstation has been replaced with a new one. The workgroup switch is not learning the MAC address of the new workstation. A network technician has verified that a static MAC address is not configured on the attached switch port. Which…

3.5 Quiz Cevaplari

Which of the following are requirements of LAN design? (Choose three.) *** adaptability *** manageability operability *** scalability stabilityWhen designing a LAN, at which layer of the OSI model does the process of segmenting collision domains occur? Layer 1 *** Layer 2 Layer 4 Layer 7Which of the following affect network availability? (Choose three.) *** throughput *** response time workstation speed *** access to resources desktop applicationsWhat type of…

3.4 Quiz Cevaplari

1Which attribute is used by a bridge to make forwarding decisions? source IP address source MAC address destination IP address *** destination MAC address Layer 4-7 protocol address    2What is the effect of adding additional hosts to a half-duplex Ethernet network? (Choose three.) *** collisions increase collisions decrease *** jam signals increase jam signals decrease *** throughput decreases throughput increases    3How does an Ethernet bridge handle…

3.2 Quiz Cevaplari

1What does OSPF use to calculate the cost to a destination network? *** bandwidth bandwidth and hop count bandwidth and reliability bandwidth, load, and reliablity    2A network administrator has configured a default route on Router_A but it is not being shared with adjacent Router_B and the other routers in the OSPF area. Which command will save the administrator the…

2.0 Final Cevaplari

Which of the following could describe the devices labeled "?" in the graphic? (Choose three.) **DCE**CSU/DSULAN switch**modemhub————————————————-Router A and Router B have been correctly configured to use RIP as a dynamic routing protocol and all intefaces on Router A and Router B are reporting "interface is up, line protocol is up" status. RIP is then configured…

2.0 Practice Final Cevaplari

Arkadaslar bu sorularin cozumleri henuz elimde mevcut degil bos bir zamanimda cozup cevaplari da yayinlamaya caliasacam ancak simdilik sorularla yetinin..1 A network administrator trying to deny Telnet traffic from the network to the network entered the commands shown in the graphic. When monitoring the network, the administrator noticed that Telnet packets were still…

2.11 Quiz Cevaplari

1 Assuming the ACL in the graphic is correctly applied to an interface, what effect will the ACL have on network traffic?All traffic to network will be denied.All TCP traffic will be permitted to and from network*** All telnet traffic from the network to any destination will be denied.All port 23 traffic…