Belgeci , 2280 belge yazmış

Moliere (fransizca)

Moliere   Naissance à Paris de Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, fils d’un marchand tapissier, fournisseur officiel de la Cour Jean-Baptiste entre au collège de Clermont (actuel lycée Louis le Grand). Il a pour condisciple le prince de Conti, qui deviendra l’un de ses protecteurs Il suit des études de droit pour devenir avocat, titre qui permet alors…

Istanbul Avrupa’nin en iyi ucuncu sehri

Istanbul Avrupa’nin en iyi ucuncu sehri Istanbul, ABD’nin cok satan “Travel and Leisure” dergisinin okuyucularina yaptigi ankette, Avrupa’nin en iyi ucuncu sehri secildi. ANKARA – Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligindan edinilen bilgiye gore, dunya capinda 1 milyon 500 bin tiraja sahip unlu seyahat dergisi “Travel and Leisure”, son sayisinda, dunya ve Avrupa’daki en iyi sehir ve…

The Simpsons

Simpsonlar Sinema Filmi (The Simpsons Movie) CNBC-e’de de yayinlanan cizgi dizinin sinema filmi, tum dunya ile ayni anda ulkemizde de gosterime girdi. ISTANBUL – Dunyanin en unlu ailesi beyaz perdeye geliyor. 60 ulkede, 20 farkli dilde yayinlanan, her hafta 60 milyon kisinin seyrettigi, 18 sezon, 400 bolumdur bizlerle birlikte olan Simpson ailesi, dizinin aslina sadik…

How do companies organize their ERP projects?

Based on our observations, there are three commonly used ways of installing ERP. The Big Bang—In this, the most ambitious and difficult of approaches to ERP implementation, companies cast off all their legacy systems at once and they install a single ERP system across the entire company. Though this method dominated early ERP implementations because…

What are the hidden costs of ERP?

Although different companies will find different land mines in the budgeting process, those who have implemented ERP packages agree that certain costs are more commonly overlooked or underestimated than others. Armed with insights from across the business, ERP pros vote the following areas as most likely to result in budget overrun. Training—Training is the near-unanimous…

What does ERP really cost?

There aren’t any good numbers to predict ERP costs because the software installation has so many variables, such as: the number of divisions it will serve, the number of modules installed, the amount of integration that will be required with existing systems, the readiness of the company to change and the ambition of the project—if…

Will ERP fit the ways I do business?

Before the checks are signed and the implementation begins, it’s critical for companies to figure out if their ways of doing business will fit within a standard ERP package. The most common reason that companies walk away from multimillion-dollar ERP projects is that they discover the software does not support one of their important business…

What will ERP fix in my business?

Integrate financial information—; As the CEO tries to understand the company’s overall performance, he may find many different versions of the truth. Finance has its own set of revenue numbers, sales has another version, and the different business units may each have their own version of how much they contributed to revenue. ERP creates a…

Will ERP fix my integration problems?

No. It seems almost quaint to think of it today, but back in the days before Y2K, enterprise software vendors, and, more forcefully, the management consultants who installed the stuff, sold ERP as a magic bullet that companies could use to escape the coming Y2K apocalypse, create seamless technology integration across the company and force…