1)According to the cooper what are the advantages/disadvantages of homework? Advantages: -improvoments in factual knowledge -understanding -concept formation community -attitudes -self dicipline -problem solving -academic achievements Disadvanteges -Loss of interest in academic materials -physical and emotional fatigue -denial of access to leasure time and activities -parental interference -cheating -increased difference between high and low achievers WHAT DOES THE CURRENT STUDY FOCUS ON? The study focuses on finding out; _If schools have a coordinated policy for dealing with homework _How they make planning decisions to find the effectiveness of homework WHAT CAN BE DONE TO AVOID PROBLEMS OF GIVING TOO MUCH HOMEWORK? There should be an overall policy for schools on how much homework is set in each subject and when.. WHAT TYPE OF HOMEWORK-FEEDBACK ARE PREFERED BY TEACHER? Writen homework-feedback prefered by teachers and in general closed types of task were preffered to more open ended tasks.. FOR WHAT PURPOSES OTHER THAN PRACTISING CAN HOMEWORK BE USED? -To practice what has just been learnt -To give the teacher feedback on sts' strengths and weekness -To complete work started in the class -to provide a more individualized programme of learning -To apply recent learning in creative ways -To motivate students -To provide preparation for the next lesson -To provide information to parents on sts' progress -to meet school requirements on record-keeping -To involve parents in the teaching-learning process -To enable the teacher to complete the syllabus -To provide evidence of teachers diligence-hard work -To meet society's expectations of what a teacher should do -To punish students for poor work in class WHY DO THE TEACHERS GENERALLY PREFER WRITTEN HOMEWORK? -Visible evidence -It can act as a check on sts' progress an as a measure of teachers professional competence -Be need to assess what has been done by giving at a mark grade or evaluative comment as well as external and internal pressure WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF PEER AND SELF ASSESMENTS OF HOMEWORK? It can help students to become; -more independent learners -help to promote intrinsic motivation -sence of satisfaction of their own achievements WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE REASONS OF STS NOT DOING HOMEWORK? -Having too much homework -Nature of task WHAT SHOULD TEACHERS CONSIDER WHILE GIVING HOMEWORK? -How to coordinate homework with in the cirriculum -How to incorporate homework as part of an overall scheme of work or lesson plan -How to exploit the resources available for homework -How to design homework tasks to be both motivating and useful -How to give feedback Kaynak: ELT Journal Book belgesi-1709