A few, Few, A little, Little Exercise at Auto-English
Fill the gaps with a few, few, a little or little.
___________ people came to see the play. It was rather sad.
Come on! We’ve still got ___________ time left to finish this.
Jordi gave very ___________reasons for closing down the bar.
With time and ___________ patience, you’ll forget her and be happy again.
He’s not a good teacher. He’s unimaginative and has very ___________ patience with children.
___________ of that group’s songs are excellent but I don’t really like most of their music.
I’ve been to that Asturian restaurant ___________ times. It’s good.
___________ people ever learn how to dance properly. It’s such a shame.
Very ___________ people went to see that film. I don’t know why. It’s excellent.
I have ___________ time for people who talk about themselves all the time and never listen to anyone else.
I normally have ___________ red wine with my lunch. It’s good for you.
Dress the salad with salt, pepper and ___________ olive oil.
I’ve got 20 Euros and ___________ coins. That should be enough for tonight.
His computer needs cleaning. He takes very ___________ care of it.
Answers 1Few 2a little 3few 4a little 5little 6A few 7a few 8Few 9few 10little 11a little 12a little
13a few 14little
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